sunlit sky with birds flying across above a beach ebbing and flowing of gentle rolling waves


This site, born October 2021, was conceived and delivered during the 8th Annual Hacktoberfest. For its k5games subdirectory to be public, its codexmon subdomain needed to be public as well.

"Hello World!" was this site's humble beginnings, its first line of code, that typical First Statement. That line in top-left-corner, Times-New-Roman black against a white background made way to the site you "see" before you.

The First Statement in the browser, that initial vast expanse of possibility, a blank slate ripe for creation, is what I hoped to capture with the abundance of water, air and land rolled into the above image.

A site with one lone image felt, well, lonely. So I added a header, a footer, some text. Only the future knows how this site will grow....

So this site is only the beginning, an evolution of the written and visual world, where codex meets screen (monitor). Thus, the name codexmon. My children would say otherwise: "Come on, Mom! Of course, it's a Pokémon!" Shh! 🤣

That being said, feel free to explore my code-created worlds. If you want to learn more about me, just click around and check out the social icons. Happy journeying!


I birthed this website in order to make the subdirectory of my kindergarten to fifth grade games publicly accessible. Feel free to check them out.

bilingual Chinese and English games
Bilingual Games

Bilingual games are displayed in simplified Chinese characters and in English. Pinyin is included for English-speaking Mandarin Chinese learners.

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bilingual Chinese and English games
English Games

English games played via video share can require: video on for miming, whiteboard for drawing, mic on for speaking, chat on for typing.

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bilingual Chinese and English games
Buddhist Games

Buddhist games are inspired by SGI Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. has more on this practice and philosophy.

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